Climbing Meets from May onwards, guidelines permitting

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  • #16382
    vanda boyd

    We are starting climbing Meets for groups up to 30 from Tuesday May 18th onwards.
    Having had several conversations with regular climbers it is obvious that many people are unsure of their commitments once lockdown is eased.
    Therefore the meets list will be slightly different to normal.
    A list will be produced of venues without initially having a designated leader/organiser, with the intention of members volunteering a week or so before each meet, when they can commit to attending.
    If you have a particular crag you’d like to see on the SUNDAY meets list, please get in touch ASAP, via text, WhatsApp or telephone.
    It has been suggested that the first few meets need to be at venues offering “easier” routes as several people haven’t climbed for quite a while and would like a gentle reintroduction.
    Tuesday venues will be the usual crop of fairly local crags.
    The initial list will cover May to end of June, with a second publication for July onwards to follow, when perhaps members are a little more sure of their commitments.
    Paul Gibson
    0114 2665767
    07582 634280

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