Christmas weekend is now fully booked. These are the names for the people who have expressed an interest:
David and Linda, Dave C, Gemma and Kial, Russ and Lynne, Lin and Dick, John and Kathy, Mary, Paul and Vanda, Dawn, Chris L and Jo, Chris K, Mike and Gill, Leon and Josie, Hugh, Geoff N Steve and Sue W, Chris H and Pete L, Charles, Pete and Jane, John H, Bill and Elen, Andew and Ali.
If you are on this list and can longer come please let me know as soon as possible.
If you are not on this list and think you have expressed an interest to either Andrew or myself please let me know me know asap at or phone.
I will start a reserve list as sometimes there are cancellations so again if interested please let me know.
Menu choice and further details to come in the following weeks.
Thanks Ali