Ceilidh Report

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  • #760
    Andrew Milne

    There was a good turnout at the Ceilidh on Saturday 8th November. The dancing started early and gathered momentum as the full compliment of 44 people filled the Broomhall Centre – a new venue for this event. A wide age range took part making the evening a real family affair.
    The Morgan Rattler, as ever, supplied energising and uplifting tunes and the tolerant caller (Lisa) delivered clear instructions for us and did not seem at all fazed by our ineptitude. Many people braved the dance floor and joined in with much enthusiasm. However, as usual, there were a few strays during Strip the Willow and the dosey does. Young Lana was very good at organising our group during a couple of the dances and made sure that we all towed the right line!
    During the interval we enjoyed a feast of some delicious savouries and desserts. Thanks go to Vanda for supplying paper goods, ensuring that we ate with some decorum. We are also very grateful to everyone who contributed a dish to share.
    Linda was instrumental in selling raffle tickets and collected a great variety of prizes including vouchers, rucksacks and books. We raised over £220 for our chosen charity, Edale Mountain Rescue.
    Overall, we had a very successful evening that seemed to be enjoyed by all.

    Ali Milne

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