I am pleased to announce that the inaugural meeting of the CMC Botanics section to Thornbrige Gall was a success with all stated objectives met.
After a dawn reveille and early RV the advanced party of explorers were on the slopes before other less determined groups. The team started the expedition at the highest point and then explored the subtropical low lands. Warris excelled in her leadership and navigational skills while Crowther coped admirably despite his recent operation. Rees took notes for a report for the wild swimming section the suitability of the ponds (not). Hammond (J&P) full of praise for the landscape now have grand plans. The exploration was completed largely without incident although Lawson received a minor injury from a hidden thorn, she is expected to keep her finger. The tea house was convivial and the facilities have set new standards for future club meets . Plant specimens were collected in differing quantities: by the bagful, by the box and by the trolley.