Bleaklow Walk Report 10th July

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  • #18470
    Alison Milne

    Seven plus Meg the dog gathered in Old Glossop in a blistering 26 degree heat for this Bleaklow round. After 1km of track we ascended to Yellow Slacks and duly rewarded ourselves with a refreshment break. Following the left hand edge of Dowstone Clough, compass directions and with the aid of indistinct paths we headed across the moorland to the Hern Stones and then the Wain Stones – our chosen lunch spot. Admiring these sculptural pieces, we decided that “Kissing” should be replaced by “Grimacing Stones”. 250m further on the level gave our first top of the day – Bleaklow Head – a very uninspiring pile of stones with a metal pole. Retracing our steps to the Grimacing Pair, some playtime was had with photo opportunities, jumping from one head to the other, plus an inelegant scramble to the top of the boulder opposite. Onward with a bit more compass work to the aircraft wreckage (Boeing RB-29A Superfortress which crashed on 3 November 1948 whilst descending through clouds). Plenty of twisted metal bits to root through. ( Can you tell I am not a military historian!) A tad beyond this, we located the second top of the day – Higher Shelf Stones. The long descent involved crossing a ravine at Crooked Clough where we joined the Pennine Way and then the Doctor’s Gate path back to the cars. We completed 9 miles/15km with 1850ft/564m ascent on a very hot day with no shade (felt more!). However it was a gift to see this beautiful area, with all its features, on a clear bright day. Great company as always.

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