vanda boyd
The auction night is only 2 weeks away, [details below]] For those who have gear to donate, it’s ok to bring on the night, but could you let me know what’s involved BEFORE the night.
Paul 2665767
It’s back. The return of the CASTLE AUCTION NIGHT!!! Thursday 18th February at 8pm.
Now you are all loaded up with new gear from Father Christmas and/or the Winter Sales, here’s the chance to rid yourself of unwanted gear and help raise funds for the forthcoming 50th Anniversary Year of 2017.
As previously, any gear you have can be put into the auction under the following conditions:
1. Gear donated, all money raised to CMC. This is the most popular category.
2. Gear donated with a ‘reserve price’. Anything above the reserve goes to CMC. This is for slightly more valuable items.
I already have some offers of gear, hopefully there will be plenty more.
If you have anything, let me know and I’ll arrange a suitable time for gathering gear at a later date.
Cheers, Paul. 2665767