I have arranged for a copy of this year’s a/cs to be posted on the website-so if you are coming to the AGM please print a copy ( there are 2 pages-click on the foot notes referring to income & expenditure or balance sheet) and bring it with you to save printing costs.
The arrival of the AGM means that subs for 2014/15 are now due.
This year there are a couple of changes :-
1.It has been decided that from now on the Treasurer will collect subs -so please pay your sub to me ( or into the club’s current a/c by BACS transfer).
2.This year, as a trial, I will be reverting to the old system of issuing CMC membership cards to paid up members. They will be available for collection in the clubroom or handed out whenever the opportunity arises. If it works and everyone is happy I will continue it on a permanent basis.
As usual subs (£25) can be paid by cash, cheque or BACS transfer. The relevant a/c details are shown on Vanda’s notice of the AGM or I can give them to you on enquiry ( I would prefer not to publish them on a site accessible to the public).
So I look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the AGM .I will be after your subs!
P.S.To encourage you I can reveal that 7 members have paid already with “the first sub paid” award going to the Warwicks!