Agden Rocher climbing Sunday 15 April 2017 from 10.30am

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  • #11800
    David Pendlebury

    Dear All,

    This Sunday’s climbing meet is at Agden Rocher, starting at the Campsite Crack area (SK 264934) from !0.30 am.
    A good gritstone crag in a beautiful rural setting above mature oak woodland. The rock is more friable than some gritstone crags but there are quality climbs and the southwest aspect catches any sun.
    Limited parking on Brownhouse Lane 1km west of High Bradfield (SK 266934).


    Hope to make it to the crag tomorrow but as I don;t have Molly this weekend I might go for a run with my running club in the morning-depending on how energetic I feel or go early to the crag to get back for a swim later- wish I could fit everything into 3 days! Dawn

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