Reply To: Walk on Thursday 11th July

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Peter Hammond

Walk Report
Great company plus tea and cake afterwards was definitely the highlight of this particular walk!
8 of us started off under overcast skies across
fields to Stubbing Pond but the weather soon turned drizzly as we headed towards the huge Chicken Farm complex below Stone Edge Farm.
Having missed our intended route uphill to Stone Edge we laboured up over very muddy ground on an alternative footpath to another farm where coffee was taken utilising a moss covered wall as a table.
At the top of the next uphill section, to the Chesterfield/Matlock road, a decision was taken not to proceed to Holymoorside due to the worsening rain.
Before making the return back via Wingerworth Nature Reserve and Stubbing Pond we took a small diversion to have lunch in the ‘rock spoil’ area of the old
Stone Edge Quarry (see picture below)
The journey back was a lot less muddy but the
continuing rain precluded afternoon tea in the garden.
Thanks to all who came and for your very yummy cakes!