Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
The Club is non-profit making and the costs are kept to a minimum. Fees for the year are £40. A large fraction of this is used to pay for insurance with the BMC (British Mountaineering Council). From your first meet you will be a probationary member of the Club and will be covered by BMC insurance but will have nothing to pay until you’ve had a chance to judge whether we are the club for you (up to 3 months). If you decide to apply for ordinary membership, your annual subscription will be due once you application is accepted. BMC Members are entitled to a discount in many of the equipment shops in the Peak, so you may find your membership easily pays for itself.
What standard do people climb at?
We welcome anyone, climbing ability is not an issue (indeed many members do not climb at all, being walkers, mountain bikers or similar). Amongst the climbers we have members who climb various grades, and in various styles from bouldering to mountaineering. So you’ll almost certainly find someone suitable to climb with.
Do you run courses?
The club is not a commercial organisation and does not have the resources to run formal courses. However, novices will learn directly from experienced climbers who will be happy to offer advice and teach you whatever you need to know. Club membership provides access to courses run or subsidised by the BMC.
Does the club supply equipment?
Except for a very small amount of specialised gear the club does not supply equipment. You will be expected to buy your own (although members may lend you their spares if you’re just trying a new activity). The club discount at local shops will help to keep the costs down.
How many people go on meets?
Some of our most popular meets have had over 40 people on them, but a rainy evening meet on Burbage could easily be less well attended. The committee does its best to choose meets that are likely to be popular and welcomes suggestions. Typically you could guess that meets would have around 10 people. Please contact the club to find out the meet details if you choose to attend one of our meets.
What age are the members?
Members must be at least 18 years of age, although children of members are welcome at our meets. Our members cover a wide range of ages, from 18 to 90!
Where do members come from?
The majority of active members come from Sheffield and its surrounding area, but those who leave the area often keep in contact with the club, so we have members around the world.
How do I join?
First look at our home page for details of our upcoming local, away and social meets; also weekly climbing wall sessions and Thursday walks. You’re welcome to come any of our meets to see if the club suits you. Contact us before you come on your first meet so we know to keep an eye out for you. You will also be asked by the Membership Secretary or the meet leader to complete the Prospective membership request form below. You will then become a probationary member of the Club and have access to the WhatsApps groups. You will be eligible to apply for full membership within 3 months.
Prospective Membership Request Form
- You automatically join the British Mountaineering Council and become part of a much wider network of climbers and hill walkers. Additionally you make a contribution to their access, conservation, safety and environmental work
- Through the BMC you get £10m third party liability insurance which protects you if you cause an accident on a club meet or as an individual
- Your BMC membership card gets you up to a 15% discount with 700+ outdoor retailers nationwide
- Joining us gives you the opportunity to find climbing, walking, mountaineering, biking and skiing partners
- You join a bunch of sociable, like-minded people keen and knowledgeable on many aspects of the outdoors
- The club provides organised activities 52 weeks of the year including monthly away meets and weekday evening climbing from April to October. Lift sharing is often available and makes sense to more distant destinations
- You gain access to advice and mentoring from other members
- You can gain skills from informal training sessions. Recent examples have covered navigation, ropework, mountain biking and bike maintenance
- You can access BMC subsidised training courses and other events
- the club takes the risk of booking huts, campsites and other accomodation, sometimes years in advance for popular locations
- You can use the club’s extensive library
- You can use our own indoor climbing wall and join our regular visits to other Sheffield indoor venues
- The club organises regular photo presentations of recents trips undertaken by members together with film nights and other social events