All posts in Meet Reports

Ullapool meet 22nd – 30th October 2022 – report

Ullapool meet 22nd – 30th October
Eight of us used a bunkhouse just S of Ullapool for this trip. A great location for hills. Generally fine weather, and beautiful trees. Almost as warm as Kalymnos, the alternative venue for this time of year! Parties covered the Fannichs over 3 days, Beinn Dearg, the remote Seana Bhraigh and other local hills. Good for Munro hunters. Many more fine hills left to do, so could easily use the same place again. Good to meet up with local resident Sue Miller. Guest appearances from Dave (mate of John Hutchinson), Pete Wimbush from the Peak CC, and Josh from Macclesfield.

Sunday walk report 16 October 2022

A small select group enjoyed clear weather and extensive views.
The route up onto Bircinin Bank moss was steep but manageable on the few bits of good path on this walk.

We had a bit of an interesting time finding the crash site of a Wellington bomber. this wasn’t helped my my mistake of setting a bearing from a point on featureless moorland a bit south of where we should have. this set up a parallel error which necessitated a brief back track and short search downslope to find the crash site. A wander up to Near Bleaklow Stones took up straight to the crash site of a Defiant night fighter. from which we could just see the brash site of a Blackburn Botha almost half a mile away.

A lot of pleasant time time was spent as 3 middle aged men reminisced about making models of these planes from Airfix kits when we were small boys

Thanks Geoff and Andrew for your company. I ll try to get a photo on the wattsap if my IT skills will let me


Hen Cloud Climbing Meet Report: 25th September 2022

Five hardy climbers, two spectators and a cockapoo braved the elements at Hen Cloud today. The chilly autumn winds made it hard to believe that only a few weeks ago we were setting off at 6am to avoid the heatwave in Pembroke! Two teams enjoyed classic routes including Roof Route, K2 and Great Chimney. The highlight (lowlight?) was a three man assault on the Central Climb which started with some impressive grunting and an even more impressive belly-flop finish by the leader of the first pitch which was followed by a massive rope tangle on the first belay ledge, continued with various subterfuges to avoid the crux of the second pitch and ended with several variations when topping out of the final pitch. We finished slightly earlier than we might otherwise have done to avoid hypothermia. Paul Embley

Wildcat Main Crag climbing meet report 18 September 2022

A cool but dry day saw Members climbing routes graded from Severe to HVS. There is nowhere else in the Peak where you can climb 40 metre routes in such a beautiful setting, We were looking down through the trees on the River Derwent.
Some great climbing was enjoyed. The guidebook has comments such as “dramatic position” and “climb the wall on cool holds” about some of the routes done.
The need to abseil from the crag top was an inconvenience but not a significant issue. A really good crag – go and experience it for yourselves if you have never done so!

Anglesey meet report:10-11 September 2002

Saturday saw 11 members of the club rendezvousing at the campsite. Two visiting for the day and one delayed arrival. Two teams went off climbing on Castle Helen and Holyhead mountain. A figure of eight walk planned from the campsite to allow the delayed arrival to join in. The weather Gods were smiling on us on the Saturday; however, it seemed that the traffic Gods had gone away for the weekend causing the late arrival and ensuring the journey back on Sunday took 5+ hours to complete.
A Barbeque on the evening went on into the dark, mainly because the Holyhead mountain climbers didn’t want to leave the crag while there was enough light to keep climbing,
Sunday morning was bright and warm, but it was going to rain at some stage (well it is Wales). Forecast said between 10.00 and 2.00, depending on who’s phone you look at. The Holyhead mountain climber decided to go back and tick off a few more of the excellent routes on offer.
The remaining Party decided to drive to Wylfa head and take in the views of the redundant nuclear power station and walk along the coast towards Cemaes Bay as far as Llanbadrig Point, taking lunch in the shelter of the church at T’y n-llan.
Trying to keep the group walking was proving hopeless. Bushes along the way were systematically stripped of all their fruits and when the beach was reached at Cemaes they ripped off their clothes and threw themselves into the Irish sea! The only way to stop them swimming back to Wylfa was the promise of a cafe stop. Cemaes didn’t disappoint because the tearoom was excellent. Trying to get them out of the tearoom was also proving difficult and some members of the group were becoming visibly distressed by having to leave without tasting the marmalade cake!
Arriving at the church saw the first rain drops. After lunch we took a more direct route back, taking waterproofs on and off several times along the way,
Thanks to everyone for coming. hope to see you all again in Anglesey .

Climbing Meet on Sunday 28th August 2022

9 members [or it might have been 10] eventually gathered at the left hand, north end of Stanage for a delightful day of climbing in warm sunshine, great views over the moors and minimal midges. Some arrived with only a helmet and harness [including I have to admit, this meet leader] with no intention to lead and a variety of almost plausible excuses. But eventually there were 5 leaders and various grades of climb were completed successfully. Having not been on a Castle climbing meet for a while, I was reassured that a request for a ‘tight rope’ was still understood, that using knees occasionally was seen to be acceptable, as was the odd swear word when stressed [Charles would certainly have been teasing me about completing a 2-shit climb]. So thank you all for your very agreeable company [and I hope the gear was successfully retrieved].
Vanda Boyd

Harpur Hill 21st Sept 2022

The morning dew soon disappeared as more climbers joined us in the sunshine for some quarried limestone sport climbing.
It was the first time I’d been to this venue and the first time I’d done any sport since Norway 4(?) years ago! I’m not sure all the trad climbers enjoyed some of the distances between the bolts but there were some very nice routes for those top-roping. Those a little more used to it, showed us how it was done, leaving the better routes for the afternoon.

Pembroke meet, August 2022

I thought that I had planned the meet well – the birds had finished nesting, the Army were on holiday and the tides were great. However, I had not anticipated a heatwave, meaning we had to climb in the shade where possible. Still 17 of us made it to Bosherston and had a great time. We tended to start climbing very early, doing routes on west facing crags until the sun came on them and we escaped to the beach and a swim. Most of the climbing done was in Range East, with new cliffs being visited by many or the whole area by some. We all learned that it takes a long time to find the right cliff and set up the abseil in the right place – sometimes taking longer than climbing the route itself.
I am sure that everyone will remember the blue skies, benign blue sea and great climbing for a long time. A sociable time in a very special part of our country. David

Sunday Walk Report 9th August 2022

Miller’s Dale was the start of this White Peak gem. Six CMC members plus two family guests and 3 dogs set off along the length of Chee Dale – over the stepping stones and through the tunnels of butterbur . At Topley Pike we climbed up and over Deep Dale, stopping at a convenient bench for drinks. Work at the quarry is still active and extensive. Chelmorton churchyard provided a lunch spot before more ascent up and over the valley to take us down throughout Priestcliffe to the Monsal Trail and ice creams. Lovely warm day. Non stop chat kept the party moving to complete our 8.7 miles (official figure from Dick).