All posts in Meet Reports

Four Edges Walk Sunday14 May 2023 – Report

An enthusiastic group completed this 10.5 mile circular walk – following the round of Birchens, White, Curbar/Froggatt and Baslow Edges. Sunny skies, pleasant breeze and wonderful views throughout. Highlights included the sighting of an adder, a small herd of deer and bluebell woods. It was lovely to catch up with Rachel (ex CMC member, visiting the area for the weekend.). Nostalgia also played a part in the day, learning that Froggatt was where Charlotte first met an upside down Steve over thirty years ago.! ( Not my story to tell!) Great company everyone- thank you.! Keep an eye out for the next summer walk posting!

Wharncliffe Meet Report 14th May 2023

Lots of us met at Wharncliffe to do homage to Puttrell’s routes. In fine weather many routes were climbed and right tough some of them were. Much traditional stuff. I don’t know how many – but someone may make a claim for their own tally on whatsap. Good to see you all. We could easily repeat the experience, working along the crag from where we left off.  Geoff.

Kildale Away Meet Report: 6-8 May 2023

9 People and 4 dogs had a great weekend at Kildale in the North York Moors. Beautiful weather for 2 days on a great campsite which we effectively had to ourselves. 2 members went to Whitestones Cliff to do the best VS in the country, others went to Scugdale or a walk on the Saturday and then climbing and mountain biking on the Sunday. Some pictures have gone out on the whatsapp groups. Many thanks to all who came and commiserations to those that couldn’t make it – you were missed and missed out. Mary

Charles Knowles 90th Birthday – Thurs 20 April 2023

27 of us set out from the Foxhouse proceeding across Totley Moor to the Trig Point before descending to Barbrook Bridge for a coffee break. See pic below (courtesy of Andrew). We then headed up hill passed Lady’s Cross, over the White Edge Ridge past White Edge Lodge and so down to lunch at the Grouse to celebrate Charles Knowles 90th birthday. Apart from those walking, others had either travelled by car or cycled to swell our number. 43 members past and present, plus Charles’s nieces and friends, sat down for an excellent lunch. We also were treated to a very tasty birthday cake, kindly made by Rosy.
Speeches then followed by Vanda, Paul and Charles who in turn was delighted to see everybody including his old friend the writer Hamish Brown, whom he had accompanied on many trips in the UK, the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Himalaya and especially the Atlas mountains of Morocco over the past 50 years, and who had travelled down from Fife in Scotland. Some of us then returned to the Fox House via the Longshaw estate, skirting round some logging loading on the main track.
A great occasion, a great turnout and pleasant sunny weather. For those walking to and from the Fox House, a distance of just over 6 miles.
Many thanks to all for making it a special day for Charles.

Andrew’s picture:

JB’s pictures:





Linda’s pictures:

Easter 2023 at Capel Curig – Meet Report

16 of us stayed at the North London Mountaineering barn in beautiful Capel Curig at Easter. After a slightly soggy start the weather turned rather lovely until Monday where it again poured it down. Much climbing and hiking trips were done, including Holyhead Mountain, Tryfan, the Moelwyns, Moel Siabod, Glyder Fach, Glyder Fawr and even some sport climbing on slate in LLanberis. It was lovely to see everyone there making the most of the delights of North Wales. Thanks to everyone who made it a very enjoyable meet and hope to see you all on another soon.


Sunday 2 April 2023 Roaches – Report

five of us enjoyed what all agreed had been a brilliant day. weather continuing to improve from overcast to bright , warm sunshine with dry rock. lots of fun with small crawling challenges and scrambling on Hen Cloud and both lower and upper tiers of The Roaches,. The “torpedo tube” was specially enjoyed and lots of photos taken. views from the Skyline area were spectacular. lots of birdsong very much in evidence and thanks Richard P for identifying them.

The walk along the valley from Roach End produced a bit of mudnesss which needed a bit of care. We visited the crash sites of a Lancaster and later a German Junkers JU88. both were large bombers but little wreckage remains.

Return back to the cars was via the coll between Hen Cloud and The Roaches.

A couple of us took up Bill s kind invite for a coffee.


Lathkill Dale walk report Sunday 26 March 2023

5 of us including new members Kim and Mark enjoyed a steady and relaxed day . walking up the dale revealed considerable evidence of recent flooding but the path still easily passable. We had a good look at Mandale mine. By group decision we opted to do the longer 11 mile version of this walk. views from the plateau were as good as ever and the pleasant nature of Lathkill dale and Bradford dale.
A good day was finished with a brew in the local pub,

Walk Report Saturday 18 March 2023

Six met at Cawthorne village green and completed a six mile round of the parkland of Cannon Hall and Deffer woods. No rain as predicted, a few blue skies, good chat and easy going walking. An exploration of the historical village cafe was made at the end.
Hope to offer another Saturday walk next month.

Red Brooks Scramble 19/03/23 Meet Report

Nine of us set off in better than predicted weather to scramble up and down some of the many Red Brooks which drain from the Kinder plateau. After trekking up Ashop Clough we ascended Upper Red brook with two of us shedding our rucksacks to wriggle through the chockstone finish. Joy at reaching our high point at the trig point was short-lived. We then had to make a steep descent to Mermaid’s Pool and scrambled back up to the plateau via Red Brook No 2. Whilst the majority enjoyed their sandwiches, Phil led a few of us down an exciting scramble to a hidden cave right on the lip of Kinder Downfall. We concluded that it might have been preferable on a day when the waterfall was not blowing back up the cliff! After a bog trot across the plateau we descended Nether Red Brook and returned to the cars via Ashop Clough.
An enjoyable day out which kept us away from the Sunday crowds and revealed some of Kinder’s hidden secrets. Paul.

Paul’s pics

Rick’s pics


Rhyd Ddu 24th-26th Feb 2023 Report

An excellent meet in a comfortable hut, a beautiful location and fantastic weather.
On Saturday we woke to blue skies and great conditions. After some toing and froing dropping off enough vehicles at the end of the ridge-10 of us set out to do a full traverse of the Nantley ridge in perfect conditions. The initial ascent from the hut to Y Garn was pretty brutal, but the remainder of the ridge was straightforward enough with 2 scrambles and 6 summits. A modest length of 8 miles, but some 3,360 feet of ascent overall made some legs feel weary at the end! The views across to Snowdon and the Moelwyns to the east and over the coast on the west easily compensated for any discomfort.
Back at the ranch a team of cooks led by master chef Leon prepared a great communal curry with a complimentary aperitif of good quality port. The curry was followed by a fresh fruit salad, gateau and Christmas pudding-all washed down with liberal amounts of alcohol.
The drinking and socialising continued in front of the fire in the lounge afterwards-but it all proved too much for the meet leader who had to be woken from his slumbers on the settee after everybody else had gone to bed!
On Sunday the clear weather continued, but with a strong northerly wind and some verglas on rocks in exposed locations. The party split into different groups, with mountain biking, an ascent of Moel Hebog and an ascent of Yr Aran.
A great week-end.
Thank you to all who came for your company and help with the catering and hut management.
Mike D