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Photographic Competition 2012

Climber taking photograph

Climber taking photograph

Hello Happy Snappers,

A reminder that the annual photo competition is not that far away. This year it will be judged by Frank Mellor, who many of you will remember as a long-standing former member of the Club. There are 3 competitive categories plus a Club Interest section.

The competitive categories are:
* Action
* Pictorial UK
* Pictorial Abroad

You can enter up to 4 photos in each of these categories. Points will be awarded for the top 4 photos in each category and the CMC Photographer of the Year will be the person who scores most points. As an added incentive we have a brand new trophy this year – yours can be the first name on it!

The 4th category is Club Interest. You can enter as many photos as you wish. The idea is to depict something unusual, embarrass your friends or, better still, make us all laugh. The winner is chosen by consensus on the night.

Please supply your photos in a .jpg format. There are no specific rules concerning photo editing through PhotoShop etc. BUT the Judge’s decision is final. A photo of you on the latest E10 or the summit of Everest is likely to be rejected! Photos should be supplied on a CD containing a folder for each category. Please put your name clearly on it. Add a tag with locational details if you wish. If this is not possible you can also enter by memory stick or by email to this address.

Closing Date is Thursday 12th April. The Clubroom will be open on that date. Otherwise you can post or drop them off at my house.


Happy New Year!

…and so the club enters 2012, and from where I’m sat it looks rather exciting. Lots of new members, talk of big trips already rumbling, the club climbing wall spruced up and ready to go, and lots more plans in the pipeline…. we just need it to stop raining!!

An important change that I’d best post here for those who have not recieved (or read) the AGM minutes, is that clubhouse meets will now be on the first and third Thursdays of the month. We intend to produce a line-up of interesting events through the year, kicking off this month with a slideshow on the Tatra Mountains (5th Jan) and a Curry & Climbing evening (19th Jan).

I’d also like to remind people that it’s subs time again. This year it’s my turn to hassle you all to renew, so if you see me at a meet then please come and make your donation. For those of you whose paths don’t tend to cross with mine, I’ll come and find you once I’ve got the members list sorted.

So, with all those new years resolutions at the ready, here’s to a great year ahead. Just remember: don’t go doing anything TOO interesting, or you’ll have to do a slideshow about it next winter πŸ˜‰ Happy adventuring!

Patrick Peace

Many past and present members of the Club attended the funeral of Patrick Peace on 13th October 2011; Pat, who was twice President of the Club, and was an Honorary Life Member, died at the end of September, aged 97.

A photo of those present and the script of Andy’s speech is below:

Pat Peace’s funeral; 13th October 2011. Members and former members of the Castle Mountaineering Club. Sean Jennings, Charles Knowles, Norma Jackson, Ron Purkiss, Keith Skews, Gordon Riley, Alan Fowler, Steve France, ? , Ronny Hindmoor, Mike Anderson, Jill Anderson, Serena France, Margaret Anderson, Mike Doyle (at front in suit), Anne Payne, Bob Payne, Caroline Whitehead, Marian Birkett, Paul Goodlad, Vanda Boyd, John Barnard, Linda McLeish, Mary Peace, Frank Mellor, Hugh Dowling (dark glasses), Jennifer Mellor, Ashley Turner, Kate Fowler, Mike Jackson, Chris Kell, Andy Smith, Suzanne Came, Andy Came, David Pendlebury, Alison Williams, Rosy Smith, Martin Whitaker, Pat Cocks, Barry Goodlad. (Photo: Alan Fowler)

Patrick was the first member of the Castle Mountaineering Club I met when I first went along to the clubroom behind the Rising Sun Inn on Abbey Lane. This was back in 1973. Pat was standing with Mary just by the door. He introduced himself, and, as with so many other first time visitors to the Club, he and Mary took me under their wing, gave me a meets list, introduced me to other members, and enthused about climbing and mountaineering. I was soon attending my first Club meet.

By that time Patrick was already a long-standing member of the young club. He and Mary had joined it in 1969, just two years after it was founded, so they were in pretty well from the start. Patrick served the Club in many different roles. He was Vice-president, President (twice, in 1976 and 1980). At various times he was Equipment Custodian and Clubroom Custodian and he was a member of the committee for many years. In recognition of all this, he was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Club. He used his practical skills to help the Club; for example he made a lot of flags and stickers in the shape of an orange Castle (the Club logo) which members could put on their tents and cars (or motorbike in my case) so they could find each other more easily on Club meets. He also supported SACC, the Sheffield Association of Climbing Clubs, as he served as chief timekeeper and starter at the annual fell race organised under the auspices of SACC. Of course he was supported in all this by Mary, who also did her stints as president, committee member and meet organiser. Together they were invariably referred to in the same breath as: “Pat’n’Mary”.

Patrick, accompanied by Mary of course, was a very active Club member in the 1970’s and early 80’s and a consistent attender at Club meets, both local and away. Looking through my old logbooks, it is noticeable how often Pat’s name appears in my notes of Club meets. Although Pat did some hillwalking and scrambling, and I particularly remember an ascent of Cader Idris with him and on another occasion a traverse of Striding Edge, his real love and forte was rock climbing. This was particularly the case for local crags like Stanage and Froggatt Edges. Pat seemed to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the climbs and could tell you exactly where each hold was and what to do with it. He was always calm and laidback. I never saw him get gripped on a climb. He was also seen at social events which occurred frequently in those days. Apart from Club events like the Annual Dinner, and sessions in the pub after a good climbing meet, there seemed to many parties in those days, where Pat could always be relied on for a good conversation about climbing.

I am sure other Club members will have many memories of Patrick, and some good reminiscences to recount later. Let me just just finish by saying that Pat was a great guy. It was a pleasure to have known him as a friend. He was a gentleman and a climber, and you can’t say better than that.

AJS 13 Oct 2011

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 24th November @ 7:30pm

The (shortish) business part of the meeting, including a review of the year by Andrew, our current President, will be followed by a social event including food. Members, please come along and support your AGM. You will be sent relevant documents by e-mail. Vanda has offered to co-ordinate food; please contact her for suggestions as to what to bring. You should also contact Vanda if you do not receive AGM papers.

Interested in finding out more about the CMC? You are welcome to attend. The evening provides an opportunity to meet a large number of our members in a relaxed social setting.