Clapham hut meet 15\16th oct report

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  • #3175
    Linda McLeish

    Great location in the Dales. The hut even has central heating!! Plus John M had got a nice open fire going in the lounge, which gave all a warm welcome! 13 of us at some point or other.
    Cycling and walking was on the agenda as it was a bit wet each morning. As some of us puffed our way up the hills, the scenery and wildness reminded us of why we love spending time there.
    Evening communal meal, vegetarian, saw Leon trying to convince me that he had put the beef steak mince in his bag by mistake. Portions for about 5 that people were asked to bring seemed to be at least double that, and I am surprised that anyone could move the next day.
    We raised our glasses to the first anniversary of Caroline’s death. Had a year really gone by so fast. She would have approved of the meet, having stayed in the hut with us all 2 years ago. You are not forgotten.
    Thanks to all, for a very pleasant weekend. Linda

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