Thursday Walk 15th August

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  • #22670
    Peter Hammond

    Park at Curbar Gap GR:-262746 for
    an 11am start.
    Route – Curbar & Froggatt edges,
    Froggatt Bridge, riverside walk to Baslow.
    Back via Baslow Edge (lower path)
    Distance approx 7 miles.
    Tea/coffee and sticky’s after at the cafe
    in Calver.
    See you there.

    Peter Hammond

    Walk Report
    8 of us left Curbar Gap heading west along
    Curbar Edge in quite a cold wind giving us
    an Autumnal feel to the day. At least the
    ground was hard and sandy making easy
    going underfoot. Overcast skies threatened
    rain but luckily only amounted to the odd
    drop as we sat for coffee break close to
    Froggatt bridge. See photo below.
    A pleasant walk along the river Derwent
    was interrupted by a very low flying Apache
    helicopter complete with full armament.
    Hopefully just out on a training flight!
    Our route along the river ended at the rear
    of Baslow church where we took advantage
    of the bench seating to have lunch. See pic.
    After crossing the main road from the church
    it was then up the long steep hill to the path
    underneath Baslow Edge. Cows with calves
    across the path were negotiated with care
    especially after hearing the tale from one
    of our number whose friend had been trampled
    by cows not long ago.
    On reaching the cars we decided to round of
    our walk with “tea & stickys” courtesy of the
    Penny Pot cafe in Calver. See also pic below.
    Apart from experiencing the cuisine we did
    watch the forecast rain belt down which was
    a bonus to have missed on our walk.
    Thanks to all who came and for your company.

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