4th January Thursday Walk

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  • #21690
    Peter Hammond

    Park at the roadside parking adjacent the
    Fox House for an 11am start.
    The route is the one we couldn’t do on the 21st
    December due to the weather thus:-
    Totley Moor, Barbrook Bridge, White Edge Lodge,
    Grouse, Padley Gorge, Longshaw Lodge.
    The route back from the Grouse may change as I
    have been unable to recce it due to being away.
    See you on the 4th.

    Peter Hammond

    Walk Report
    11 of us including 1 new member, plus Chester the Cockapoo, set off under broken cloud cover
    across Totley Moor to the trig point at 395m. Conditions underfoot were exceedingly wet, boggy and
    muddy, probably the wettest I can remember on a Thursday walk. No real surprise after the recent heavy rain
    and the fact this winter so far has been one of the wettest on record.
    After a coffee break at Barbrook Bridge we set off uphill to Lady’s Cross, a medieval boundary and cross road
    marker which dates back to 1263. A pity that all that remains of it now is the plinth and a small section of the
    stone post. From here we continued uphill to the start of the White Edge ridge before descending past White Edge Lodge to cross the A625 through and opposite the white gates.
    Shortly after, on our route towards Oak’s Wood, we stopped for lunch. With a reasonably clear sky good views
    were experienced across to the Edale skyline with Surprise View in the foreground. We also spotted a herd of deer
    enjoying their solitude some distance away.
    Just after crossing into the wood 2 of our number departed to take a more direct route back whilst the rest of us
    descended steeply to cross the B6521 and enter Padley Gorge on the east side. As the river was in spate we were
    treated to some spectacular cascades.
    At the top of the Gorge we crossed into the Longshaw Estate, past the small lake and for some of us a tea stop at
    the Longshaw Lodge Caffe. Here we parted company some taking the short path to the National Trust parking, others back to the Fox House.
    Luckily the weather held fair for us albeit the ground conditions were somewhat poor.
    Thanks to each who came and for your company.
    Pets’s pics:

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