Roy Bridge trip – February 10th – 16th 2024

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  • #21376
    Geoff Nichols

    Roy Bridge trip – February 10th – 16th 2024
    We have booked an 8 person bunk room at Grey Corrie Lodge, Roy Bridge, from night of Saturday 10th February to night of Friday 16th, leaving on the 17th. Roy Bridge is a great location for winter mountaineering, from which Glencoe, the N. Corries of the Cairngorms – and all the fine hills between, are accessible.
    These dates will allow us to visit the Fort William Film festival on the 16th.
    The cost is £105 each for the 7 nights. To book pay £105 to the Castle bank a/c 09-01-56 33659703 with Rbridge and your name. Please also let me know directly if you are booking. [just e mail me on, rather than replying to all].

    If we fill the 8 places in the bunkroom there are also 2 and 4 person rooms, which cost a little more. If we are oversubscribed for the 8 places I’ll get in touch with others and you can make your own arrangements to book other rooms directly.
    We’ll set up a whatsapp group to share transport and cooking groups.
    There will be a session in the clubroom on winter equipment and snow conditions a few weeks before the trip, if you’d like to brush up skills.
    Details of the bunkhouse are at:

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