11 stalwarts joined a slow meet leader at Fairholmes for an up and down circuit on the eastern edge. After crossing below the dam we took the road then the concessionary path to gain the northward slanting track up the slope, pausing on the way to look down on the civil engineering work on a stream inlet just above the dam. On the plateau we followed the main track toward the ridgeline then right to join the path up to Lost Lad. A late coffee stop on the top afforded good views all round before a short backtrack to Lost Lad Hillend and the path down into Sheepfold Clough. A lunch stop at the junction with Abbey Clough kept us in the sun before the walk out down the Clough and back along the reservoir track. The promise of “A bit under 8 miles” turned out to be 7.9 by GPS consensus, so about right. We were grateful for a dry and often sunny day after a wet start to the week. Thanks to all for coming along.
Pete’s pics: