Photo Competition 2012

2012 Photographic Competition 19 April 2012

We had a great time last night seeing a wide selection of photographs taken by fellow club members, ranging in geographical extent from our local crags in the Peak District to the Kamchatka Peninsula and Antarctica.
Frank Mellor did a superb job as judge, indicating with much humour how our pictures could be improved.
There were many excellent entries, but worthy winners.

1st prize in the action category went to Linda McLeish (although the climber looked a bit dodgy!)
1st prize in the pictorial home category went to Nigel Wragg (for me the outstanding photo of the evening – camping in deep snow in Eskdale)
1st prize in the pictorial abroad went to Mike Doyle (for a stunning shot of porters on the Hisparo glacier).

The four best photos in each category were scored, providing a tie for CMC Photographer of the Year 2011 between Linda and Nigel.
This is the second year running we have had a tie – last year it was between Mike Doyle and Martin Whitaker.

In the Club Interest category we reduced a large number of entries down to a shortlist of six. The winner was clear however, Paul Gibson squeezing through a chimney/slot taken by Andrew Milne.

The top twelve photographs plus the shortlisted six Club Interest entries should be appearing on our website in the near future.

Attached is a photo of Nigel holding the winners shield, flanked by Mike. Unfortunately, Linda was unable to attend due to illness.
Thank you again to Frank, all those who entered photos and to everyone there last night who made it such a successful evening.
Keep on snapping.