Walk Report
7 of us, plus Chester the dog, started off from Taddington School in quite a cold easterly breeze. This
eased gradually as we made our way down to the River Wye via Long Lane. Coffee was taken on some convienant
board walks near the river brige at GR 128735. Various layers then came off as the sun heated us up strolling along the very pleasant river path round Chee Tor.
Lunch was delayed until nearly 1.30pm (Martin wouldn’t have approved!) due to the leaders wish to take advantage
of hot refreshments, cake and seating at the bike shed cafe opposite the entrance to Great Rocks Dale.
A steep climb out of the valley then followed on the Pennine bridleway before we crossed the A6 again taking the track up towards Chelmorton. We turned off left before the village, then climbed further past Fivewells Farm and past the trig point and waterworks on Sour Top. A descent then followed back to the village and cars.
Many thanks to all who came and for your excellent company.
As an aside Chester managed his first full Thursday walk with plenty of energy left at the end plus seemed to leap over every stile. Deffinitely another Thursday walker!