16 members met at Peak Forest in perfect winter anti-
cyclonic conditions: clear blue sky, sunshine, little wind
and cold clear air giving superb views. There was ice in
the puddles and the limestone mud was frozen hard nearly
everywhere. We crossed the busy A623 road by the traffic
lights and headed south to Dam Dale Farm. Here we climbed
out of the dale and followed a path above and parallel to
it, through fields and over stiles. This gave good views
to the south and west. We joined a lane leading up from
the dale to the Limestone Way. Just before reaching the
latter, we paused for a coffee break. The next section of
the walk was along the Way, recrossing the A623 at Mount
Pleasant Farm and ascending past the Cop. At the highest
point of the LW we made a short detour to visit the trig
point at the summit of Bradwell Moor – an Ethel. There
were excellent views in all directions but it was too cold
to linger here so we dropped back down to the LW for a
picnic by the wall bordering it. Continuing after lunch
we reached a gateway only passable by negotiating a stretch
of mud which unfortunately was not completely frozen. One
couple opted to return from here via Oxlow Rake, while the
rest of us continued to the 5-way junction where we finally
left the Limestone Way and headed west on the bridleway
towards Perryfoot. After about a mile we turned south,
descending to Peak Forest on Eldon Lane, passing to the
east of Eldon Hole. So ended a great winter day out in
perfect conditions. The distance was just under 7 miles.
Andy & Rosy.