Thanks for the write up Vanda. They was a really good friendly vibe so fingers-crossed a high percentage will now join.
As a follow up from that, I’ll put a few extra meets together catered around new members but they’ll be for everyone of course. These extra meets will include:
Awesome Walls Saturday evenings – me and Kial will put a date in once a month.
Awesome Walls Tuesday evenings – there was discussion of moving the Tuesday evening outdoors climbing to indoors once it got dark, although I’m happy to climb indoors now due to work so me and/or Kial will be there from 6pm til late (dates TBC).
Outdoor bouldering – Richard has kindly volunteered to lead some groups out from now and through winter. I’ll get some firm dates we can work with.
Paul G – I’ll confirm these wil you soon to add to the existing meets.
Thanks everyone,