New Members Weekend 17th and 19th September 2021c

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    vanda boyd

    Congratulations to Gemma for all the hard work, enthusiasm and great organisation, which resulted in such a successful New Members Weekend. At Awesome Walls on Friday 17th September, eleven members were there to welcome and then climb with nine or ten potential new members.
    After a slightly damp start on Sunday, a much larger gathering was eventually blessed with sunshine and blue skies. A total of eighteen members were there, offering a warm welcome and practical expertise to those who perhaps hadn’t climbed outside before, but they were soon seconding on various grades of climb. Some of these potential new members showed such natural skill [and enviable strength and flexibility!] that they were encouraged to do some leading for the first time. So lots of very happy, satisfied people with smiling faces, many of whom I’m sure will want to join our great club.
    So well done Gemma!

    Gemma Scougal

    Thanks for the write up Vanda. They was a really good friendly vibe so fingers-crossed a high percentage will now join.

    As a follow up from that, I’ll put a few extra meets together catered around new members but they’ll be for everyone of course. These extra meets will include:

    Awesome Walls Saturday evenings – me and Kial will put a date in once a month.
    Awesome Walls Tuesday evenings – there was discussion of moving the Tuesday evening outdoors climbing to indoors once it got dark, although I’m happy to climb indoors now due to work so me and/or Kial will be there from 6pm til late (dates TBC).
    Outdoor bouldering – Richard has kindly volunteered to lead some groups out from now and through winter. I’ll get some firm dates we can work with.

    Paul G – I’ll confirm these wil you soon to add to the existing meets.

    Thanks everyone,

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