4 teams set out from Grindleford café in search of things. 4 teams turned up at the Foxhouse. Three teams got between 200 -350 points. Brilliant. One team got 760. This team drove around the perimeter of the area gathering high score check points; instead of searching for and photographing highland cattle, deer or birds of prey they took photos of pictures and postcards. They claimed extra points for having a cuppa at Longshaw, in fact they waited for a group to leave the table and then staged drinking from the previously used cups. Shamelessly they asked the real tea drinkers to take the picture. At the end of the day they were seen making up answers to the questions of checkpoints they had not been to. Brazenly they demanded bonus points for a spurious addition to a photo.
This team included a current and future president. Should the BMC ethics committee be consulted or should it be hushed up?