Scramble Report(Saturday 8th February 2020)

A few “storm dodgers” met a day early for the scramble up to Bleaklow via Torside Clough. We were a select but very multinational bunch with representation from Turkey, Japan, Yorkshire and “God’s Own Country” (Lancashire). Luckily the Pay and Display machine was out of order so we all saved the price of a pint. The scramble up Torside Clough was not quite what some members had expected involving lots of boulder hopping and multiple stream crossings. However we did discover several deep pools which would have been brilliant swimming spots in warmer weather – luckily no-one opted for an involuntary dip yesterday! Sunshine and a chilly wind greeted us when we emerged onto the Bleaklow plateau and after a short stop on the summit we looped round to the Wain Stones. A mountain hare was spotted – his brilliant white coat no longer seeming like effective camouflage in our era of global warming. Descent was by the Pennine Way path and the Longdendale Trail. Back at the carpark we completed the day with an inspection of campervans and discussion of the merits of different internal designs. Paul.

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