A beautiful sunny day (despite the forecast of grey & cloudy conditions) greeted the 14 members who attended.
The initial climb from the car park and descent to the Head Stone was soon completed.
Having arrived at the Head Stone after 40 minutes- the usual one hour before a tea break custom was changed to 40 minutes so as to take advantage of the beautiful views over the Rivelin valley , Hollow Meadows and beyond afforded by its position.
It was then onwards & downwards to the Hollow Meadows Brook where the riverside path on the north shore was followed to the main track above the Rivelin dams.Following this eastwards the turn off leading uphill to the woodland trail above Wyming Brook was taken.Unobserved by the leader, 2 walkers disappeared into the woods to relieve themselves.Afterwards they became confused & took a wrong turn .Fortunately all ended well when the noble Martin came to their rescue.
Reunited and following lunch the party completed the woodland trail ,crossed the top of the brook and headed past Wyming Brook Farm to join the Redmires Conduit.
Joining the Redmires reservoirs at the north east corner of the lowest, the reservoirs were circumnavigated along their south shores with a few areas of mudness which were easily negotiated.Reaching the western end of the reservoirs the circumnavigation was completed and we returned to the cars.
Many thanks to all who came for your company and my apologies for the mix up on the woodland trail.
Mike D