Stanage Meet Report 27th October

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  • #14552
    vanda boyd

    And so the final curtain, or at least the final Sunday climbing meet of 2019 has ended. As promised the rain had gone, replaced by a glorious sunny day, coupled with quite a cool strong breeze. Nevertheless a good number of members attended, at least 10 climbers I saw, one or two on the injured/sick list came for a walk and chat, one walked up without her gear as her partner promised to carry it up for her but fell asleep in the car recovering from attempts last night to become a pirate. No prizes for guessing who but its a long way from Barnsley to come for a sleep🤣🤣 he did appear later, but only to take pictures.
    The early coolness drove a few away after a couple of routes but later the breeze reduced eventually it felt rather warm. Castle Chimney was ticked by several parties, many other routes in the Black Hawk area were enjoyed, or at least completed.
    The meet leader ended his 34th year of climbing with the CMC on a couple of V Diffs, previously soloed but now a bit of an effort, with various body parts protesting and plenty of gear placed😱😱
    Nevermind, hopefully we’ll be back climbing in 2020, jut don’t expect me on a climbing wall anytime soon! Scrambling next Sunday with Jaycee-May.
    Thanks to all who came
    Paul and Vanda

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