Three Hathersagians walked from the village to Leadmill Bridge and up the right bank of the Derwent as far as the stepping stones – which have a very large tree on top of them – and then up to Offerton Hall, passing several fantastic wind-sculpted drifts. Entertainment here was provided by almost waist deep snow between two walls that had to be waded through for 20 yards and a Range Rover sliding slowly backwards down the drive and coming to rest just before the stone wall on the corner. The wind was behind us over Offerton Moor but we took delight in the spindrift in our faces when we turned east towards Oaks Farm. A quick snack and coffee in relative shelter, then down to the road, turning off to Mount Pleasant and back to Leadmill Bridge along the river.
It may not have satisfied the letter of the “between 5 and 8 miles” rule, but it felt longer…