Covid-19 announcement; all meets suspended

Your committee has been pondering over the current C19 situation for a couple of days. After initially cancelling all indoor activities, we have now come to the sad, but inevitable decision to CANCEL ALL MEETS UNTIL FURTHUR NOTICE, pending government and medical advice.
However, we don’t want everybody to completely lose contact with each other or have nothing to do, so watch this space for future online activities etc.
Keep healthy and smiling
Paul Gibson
Meets Secretary. 23 Mar 2020

Meet report Sunday walk 22nd March 2020

Seven members assembled at the Birchen Clough layby for a 10am start. We set off down beside the stream to the Snake Inn then across the Ashop river to the path up beside Fairbrook. The meet leader was not as fit as he had thought he was, and at the top the group kindly decided to take the shorter route westwards along the edge to Ashop Head then down the Snake Path beside the Ashop river. This reduced the walk from 12 miles to 8, but was still enjoyed by all on a sunny, if cold, day. Dave C.

Meet Report Sunday 15th March 2020

Seven members met in the rain and set off from Buxton market place to catch the train to Whaley Bridge. There we walked as far as a cafe opposite the station and participated in some al fresco carbo loading, with a delicious selection of cakes and, disappointingly, lukewarm coffee. The rain had stopped! Off we set at 12 noon through the Memorial Park and alongside Toddbrook Reservoir, where ongoing work continues. After some boggy fields and a few trees we arrived at Taxal church. Upstream along the Goyt, a very attractive woodland path led to Errwood Reservoir where two convenient benches provided a lunch stop. The conspiratorial weather then decided to hail and emit a heavy shower just as we sat down. The onward fast-paced journey crossed the dam and ascended above Fernilee Reservoir along the old railway track, opening up into stunning open moorland. At the tunnel we trudged across the moors to then descend onto Bishop’s Lane. After a scolding about a well behaved dog off the lead, we headed across Cavendish golf course to the outskirts of Buxton. then through the Pavilion Gardens back to the town centre. This route is the final stage of the PD boundary walk, billed in the guide as 10.2 miles but various gizmos informed us that it was over 11.2 miles with over 1600 feet ascent. Great route with great company and ever increasing sunshine during the afternoon.

Walk Sunday 8th March 2020 – Report

11 people (including 4 from Derwent MC) did a quite good walk from Holloway. From Holloway we made our way down to the Cromford canal via the Dukes Quarry, once leased by Leon’s employer Wildgoose Construction.. Then up again for more views and back down to canal before a final pull up to Riber Castle which was built by John Smedley, mill owner. Smedley’s is still going and on Sunday we learnt that they are the manufacturers of the Queen’s knickers. Back to Holloway via the gorgeous hamlet of Dethick, home of the Babingtons, one of whom was beheaded by Queen Elizabeth I for plotting to put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne
A fitting International WOmen’s day walk as it passed the birthplaces of Florence Nightingale (nurse and statistician) and Alison Uttley author of a number of children’s books. She won a scholarship to Manchester University to read physics and in 1906 she became the second woman honours graduate of the university.
Apologies for those who came for the blip in map reading before lunch. Elen.

Sunday Walk 1st March 2020 -report

7 members and a dog met outside “the Horns” in High Bradfield on a beautiful sunny morning,but with a bracing wind gusting at 50mph.
After an enforced uphill road walk ,due to footpath closures,we descended by the track along the edge of Rocher Wood and then traversed below Agden Rocher.A steep climb then led up above Rocher Head but with the strong south westerly wind actually helping propel us upwards!
Enjoying the views westward we crossed the edge of White Lee Moor and then descended through woods to Broomhead Reservoir,stopping briefly for tea in a sunny clearing.
Broomhead Reservoir led on to Morehead reservoir where lunch was taken by a convenient table and bench-much to the disappointment of another walker who announced that he had set out early to secure the table for his group.
After lunch a steady climb led to Brightholmlee,with some of us stopping to photograph a lone clump of daffodils.The imminent closing date for entries for the photographic competition obviously influencing some!
The curious Glen Howe country park was then crossed with a group photo on the attractive pack horse bridge.
Passing Foldrings and the hill beyond,we then descended into the Coumes Vale Plantation.At this point the meet leader’s suggestion of a deviation from the planned route to reduce the walk’s overall length and avoid an imminent lengthy
muddy section was agreed to by the whole party without exception.
So,the decision taken,we left the Plantation and fought our way to gain the high ground beyond against the full force of the wind.All that was left then- was the descent to High Bradfield.Unfortunately the final section was an absolute quagmire-so having avoided one set of “mudness” we found another probably worse!
A great day with plenty of wind and sun,but ( a rear thing these days) no rain.!
Thanks to all who came for your company.
Mike D

Patterdale meet 15/16 Feb 2020 report

After a flurry of emails regarding food and late withdrawals, 10 of us eventually braved the dire threats of Storm Dennis and arrived at the George Starkey hut on Friday afternoon. The evening was split, some opting to self cater, others to try the charms of the White Lion.
Saturday started fairly gently (if a little early for some). Despite the weather forecast Paul E and dog had an extended walk to the summit of St Sunday crag, Geoff found himself at the foot of Striding Edge where he became involved helping a couple who’d convinced themselves that camping by Red Tarn was a good idea!
The meet leader had an ulterior motive, lunchtime football watching in the White Lion to follow a walk around Aira Force reached by car. The rest had a plan for a 3 hour circular walk via the Brotherswater Hotel. However, first one, then two found that the waterfall walk was favourable (it was raining by now). Eventually all 8 were loaded into 2 cars, transported to the car park and began. The falls were spectacular (pics on Facebook) but by the time the circuit was complete the rain was torrential and wind rising. Retreat to footy for me, Jo had cunningly forgotten her waterproof trousers and Chris, ever the gentleman offered to drive her back to the hut. The remaining 5 walked the hour and a half back passing Ullswatwer looking more like a choppy sea scape.
Although the communal main meal had been abandoned, starters were cooked and served by Jo and Chris and a range of puddings arrived.
A fairly early night ensued, good job as early starts were the order of Sunday. Geoff waited in vain for a friend due to arrive at 8am, dog and Paul went out for early trek, Paul and Vanda waited for family to arrive for lunch the rest went out for a walk on a gradually improving day with blue skies emerging.
Storm Dennis never really arrived, yes it was wet enough to fill the field behind the hut, yes it was a bit windy but nothing exceptional, no it didn’t stop us going out or getting home without problems. Too many of these dodgy warnings and people will stop believing them.
Thanks to those who made it, especially the cooks, sorry for those struck down by bugs. Better luck next time.
Paul and Vanda

Scramble Report(Saturday 8th February 2020)

A few “storm dodgers” met a day early for the scramble up to Bleaklow via Torside Clough. We were a select but very multinational bunch with representation from Turkey, Japan, Yorkshire and “God’s Own Country” (Lancashire). Luckily the Pay and Display machine was out of order so we all saved the price of a pint. The scramble up Torside Clough was not quite what some members had expected involving lots of boulder hopping and multiple stream crossings. However we did discover several deep pools which would have been brilliant swimming spots in warmer weather – luckily no-one opted for an involuntary dip yesterday! Sunshine and a chilly wind greeted us when we emerged onto the Bleaklow plateau and after a short stop on the summit we looped round to the Wain Stones. A mountain hare was spotted – his brilliant white coat no longer seeming like effective camouflage in our era of global warming. Descent was by the Pennine Way path and the Longdendale Trail. Back at the carpark we completed the day with an inspection of campervans and discussion of the merits of different internal designs. Paul.

Welsh Meet 17th-19th Jan 2020 Report

16 members made it to the comfortable Oread M C hut at Rhyd Ddu for an ace week-end in fabulous weather- cold & frosty with snow on the main tops.

Saturday dawned cold & clear with the face of Y Garn & the connecting ridge to Mynydd Drwsy- y -Coed on the Nantle ridge towering invitingly above the hut.

Some decided on a relaxed day exploring the trails near Bethesda or on the approach to Snowdon from the hut, while the remainder split into a Snowdon team (Andy & Rosie) and a Nantle team of 9.

Andy & Rosie left early to climb Snowdon by the Rhyd Ddu path.and climbed steadily with no difficulties apart from some verglasing on rocks. The final snow around the summit presented no major problems and they descended by the same route enjoying the commanding views. On the way they met Geoff Nichols who had intended to meet up with us all at 9am, but was unable to do so due to car problems & a wait for the A.A.

The Nantle party opted against a full A to B traverse of the ridge, with the consequent need to transfer cars to the other end, and instead decided to follow the ridge to the escape route by Trum y Dddysgl & return through the Bedgelert Forest.

The initial ascent up Y Garn was brutal, but got the ascent over quickly. Once at the top we had just enough time to admire the view, before clag unexpectedly rolled in. The rocky scramble to Mynydd Drws-y-coed was made a trifle exciting by the verglas covered rocks. Onwards from M D-y-coed a path below the ridge line enabled Marian to take a “softer” exit than the steeper version ahead.The remaining 8 re-joined the main ridge continuing to the obelisk on the summit of Mynydd Tal-y-mignedd. After lunch here the group divided again with Paul E opting to continue to the next summit -Garned Goch-with a lengthy return through the Pennant Valley and over the col at its head. The remaining 7 retraced our steps towards Mynydd Tal y mignedd, from where the descent & traverse across the head of the Pennant Valley led us to a waiting (& by this time) rather cold Marian at Bwlch y Ddwy Elor.The return through the Bedgelert Forest via the various tracks was successfully navigated & we were soon back at the hut.

Finishing our mugs of tea, we were joined by Paul E following his mammoth return via the depths of the Pennant Valley.

A convivial evening followed with Leon, Josie, Chris & Jo producing an amazing communal feast with, poppadoms, chicken tikka pieces and onion bhajis followed by a vegetable curry; all supplemented by members own drinks of choice plus Ali’s gin aperitif and Chris & Jo’s post meal spirits.

On Sunday some left early, leaving a party of 13 to carry out a mass ascent of Snowdon from the south via Bwlch cwm y Llan, Bwlch Main and so to the summit, with the descent by the Rhyd Ddu path.

A virtually cloudless day with blue sky and no wind, plus a reasonable covering of snow, gave us the ingredients for a perfect mountain day.

Having fought our way through the inevitable crowds around the summit, we took lunch on a viewpoint below the café. We then donned crampons for the descent to the rocky Lechog ridge where the Rhyd Ddu path led us back to the hut in good time for the drive home.

Thanks to all who came for your company and contribution to a great week-end.

Mike D

Meet report from today’s Lantern Pike walk (12 Jan 2020)

With a deluge of rain as we were setting off, causing a nastily flooded road at Upper Burbage Bridge, we sort of hoped nobody would turn up. However, a phone call from the President and 1st Lady soon stopped that idea. In addition the resident dog nanny and Scout arrived to join us.
As we set off the rain had stopped and we were soon walking steadily uphill towards misty views of Kinder. As the day grew brighter we made our way to the top of Lantern Pike, rarely visited on CMC meets. After leaving the summit we were hit by a brief shower before stopping for coffee etc, a longer gap than Thursday walks, so definitely welcomed.
Walking North we eventually reached the bottom of Cown Edge where lunch was taken, sheltered, almost, from a rising breeze. Up to the edge, walking South now with excellent views West to Manchester and beyond and East over the Kinder plateau. Before descending we were treated to a light show with dazzling sunlight piercing holes in the cloud and moving rapidly west to east, like a giant spotlight.
Almost before we were expecting it, the cars were spotted below and a decision was made to visit the pub complete with water wheel and railway carriage, where the Meet Leader treated his fellow walkers to celebratory drinks, having successfully avoiding a soaking.
7.75 miles, 1478 feet of ascent.
Thanks to all who came
Paul and Vanda.

Walk report Shutlingsloe 05 January 2020

The third club walk of the first week of the New Year saw no drop in enthusiasm from club members as fourteen of us (and two dogs) met in Wildboarclough. Apologies were given from five of the party who were slightly late having enjoyed cordon bleu level cookery courtesy of Bill and Elen’s the night before.
Once off the walk took us to the former royal hunting ground of Macclesfield Forest on the western edge of the Peak District. The first major break in the trees gave views over towards Jodrell Bank and on to the distant Clwyd Hills that border Wales.
The walk dropped down to the side of Ridgegate reservoir and the party took the liberty of taking lunch on grass designated for Macclesfield Anglers (none were present). After this the climb up Shutlingsloe (aka the Cheshire Matterhorn) began. The party stopped by and on benches approximately half way up the ascent to admire the views and then pressed on. I’m delighted to report that all the party managed to summit with only one complaining about lack of oxygen. The steep initial part of the descent was taken with care before gaining the delightful easy angled track which took us with little effort back to the start.
Thanks to all who came and supported a walk in an area the club doesn’t get to very often.