Problem with swarm of flies in Clubroom

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  • #22553
    vanda boyd

    The Rising Sun publicans, Mark and Lorraine, had noticed a swarm of flies inside our clubroom windows yesterday. A number of years ago we’d had a similar issue with a squirrel which had got trapped inside the clubroom and had died – full of maggots and a very nasty smell!
    When Lorraine and I went inside today, all we could see were a number of dead bumble bees and loads of live flies inside the snug windows, but no obvious larger dead body or nasty smell.
    As a business providing food, they are obliged to get the pest controller in to sort this health issue out, so she now has a key to the clubroom, which will be kept in their office, as she expects the pest controller will need to visit several times.
    Because Paul and I are the designated club custodians, I have also given her both our mobile numbers for any possible future problems.
    Vanda Boyd

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